Cute miniature Mizo Village called Leng Leng

Linda Zrs Ralte is an amateur artist from Aizawl Mizoram who does miniature work in her free time. Her miniature creations revolve around the scenic beauty of Mizoram particularly that of village life. Some of her miniature creations went viral on social media back in 2019. Today let's have a look at one of her miniature Mizo village creations.A village named Leng Leng we'll explain each scene being capture here in detail. 

By Ruata Lungchuang 

1. Welcome Signboard

The signboard reads "You are inLeng Leng Village". Village signboards are common in Mizoram, every village and town including Aizawl have signboards welcoming and informing travellers of their whereabouts. 

2. A Hill sumo making its way into the village, overloaded with goods

Sumos are the lifeline of Mizoram. The narrow zig-zaggy roads of Mizoram are not suitable for large vehicles to transverse freely, which is why Sumos are the most preferred method of transporting goods and people around the state. Not every village in Mizoram is connected by a Bus, but most villages in Mizoram are interconnected through a network of TATA Sumos. These Sumos are typically heavily loaded with goods, not an inch of empty space is spared. From bags of beetle-nuts to chicken baskets, the Sumo can carry all and has remained the most trusted companion of a Mizo road.

3.Vengpui(Main district of a village)

Vengpui is the main area of commerce in any given village and is the most densely populated portion of a typical Mizo village. They are normally located in tri-junction points called 'Kawn' and are centres of commerce and entertainment in Mizo villages. A typical Vengpui comes to life every Saturday morning when merchants from different places come together to sell their products and crops. Saturday is Shopping day/Bazar Day in Mizoram and Mizos both in villages and towns religiously follow this periodical arrangement. 

4. A  Hmeithai House In Construction

Like in most other places around the world, Hmeithai or Widows in Mizoram typically live with their children, however, some due to various circumstances live by themselves or are not able to construct their homes due to economic hardship. It is quite challenging for an old lady to build or repair her house all by herself, so the entire community comes together to construct homes for these most often impoverished widows and their families. These homes are typically small houses built to accommodate just one person and sometimes a few more members. Every village has at least one cute small house like this. In fact, Hmeithai in( Widow's hut) is an unit of measurement in Mizoram. 

5. The Village Church 

Of course, no Mizo village can be complete without a church. Churches are an integral part of the Mizo community social setup. Especially in villages, life revolves around the church. A church is not just a religious institution in a typical Mizo village as churches often act as the centre of Entertainment, worship, public gathering and mobilisation in far-flung Mizo villages. 

6. A typical rainwater harvest-ready Mizo house

Mizoram is a hilly state where water can be very scarce, hence most houses have rainwater harvesting facilities in one form or another. The typical way of harvesting rainwater in rural are is by directing rainwater into a water barrel using a siphon. As the rain falls, the tin roof collects water while the siphon directs them into a collection site, most often into a rusty old water barrel as depicted in the photo. 

The hand that has created them. 
Follow the artist on her Instagram handle - Linda Zrs Ralte Instagram account
The artist is a lover of flowers and also takes great interest in flower photography, she is currently working on a miniature project which according to her is even smaller and cuter than these sets. So don't miss out, follow her Instagram page :) 

The Mizos

The Mizos is a one-man team news blog, that brings you news and stories from Mizoram, Northeast India and the rest of the World.

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